Answers to frequently asked questions

How many participants are in the conference?

Up to 1,000 people can attend the conference.

How many speakers are in the conference?

The conference is open to up to 49 presenters.

Who are the speaker and the audience?

A speaker is a conference attendee at a "podium" who can be seen and heard by attendees and can also showcase content.

A spectator is a conference participant who sees and hears what is happening at the "podium".

What are the server requirements?

You can find the server requirements in the documentation.

See reference 

What are the requirements for the communication channel?

Please refer to the documentation for channel requirements.

See reference 

Is there WebRTC support?


Do I need to install the app to attend the conference?

No. You can participate in the conference through any browser.

See reference 

Instead of speakers, I see a black screen

Ask your administrator to open the ports required for the system to operate. Refer to the documentation for a list of ports.

See reference 

I'm the speaker, but there is no picture and/or sound coming from me

Make sure that you have granted the system permission to use the camera and microphone for the system, and that the camera is not being used by another application.

See reference 

Can I participate in the conference from my cell phone or tablet?

Yes. You can add an application shortcut to your desktop for your convenience.

See reference 

Who is a conference operator?

An operator is a participant of the conference, who has maximum possibilities to manage it. He/she can: start the conference before the scheduled start, mute audio/video and speaker captions, start polls/voting, change the status of participants as viewer-rapporteur, manage the layout, block and delete participants, start/suspend recording and share it at the end of the conference, etc.

Can there be more than one operator in a conference?

Yes. Just assign the right participants to the role of operator.

See reference 

Can a meeting take place without an operator?

Yes. The meeting will launch and invited participants will be able to join regardless of the operator's presence in the meeting.

Who can showcase the content?

Content can be shown by any speaker.

See reference 

Can multiple participants in a conference show content at one time?

Yeah, all the speakers at once.

See reference 

I can't create a conference - I don't have the "Start" and "Schedule" buttons displayed

Contact your system administrator to assign you the necessary rights.